I became involved in metal detecting and gold prospecting at an early age and have been at it now for over 45 years. My quest has taken me all over the world and this journal documents many of those adventures.
I hope to offer an idea of what can be done by one person with relatively inexpensive equipment. Keep in mind I have been doing this most of my life, and that I am familiar with the areas I am working. I don't want to imply you can just jump right in and have the same results I have. On the other hand, if one works at it, the rewards can be immense. I'm not talking about just the gold and other finds, but the sheer fun and adventure of the search! So here we go, with the successes, and occasional failures, of a prospector and detectorist from Alaska.

Steve with 14.1 Dwt Nugget found at Ganes Creek, Alaska
The reuse of these stories and images is strictly protected under the copyright laws. You may not do so without my express permission. Image reuse on other websites will normally only require a credit and a link back to this page... but only if I am notified in advance for permission. This Journal is dedicated to my wife for encouraging and supporting my adventures, and to my father for getting me started on the search for gold. ~ Steve Herschbach
2023 - Over 50 Years of Metal Detecting & Gold Prospecting
Garrett Axiom in Australia
September 2022
2020 - Year of the Pandemic
Hunting Ancient Gold in England
October 2018
Minelab Equinox Finds Silver
Fall 2017
Minelab GPZ 19 Gets First Gold
June 8, 2017
Gold Specimen With GPZ 7000
November 1, 2016
Garrett ATX Return To Hawaii
April 10, 2015
Nevada Gold With The Garrett ATX
September 9, 2014
California With Nokta FORS Gold
October 11, 2014
Minelab SDC 2300 Finds Tiny Gold
August 24, 2014
Detecting Hawaii With Garrett ATX
February 4, 2014
Gold Detecting with Garrett ATX
November 20, 2013
Fisher F75 Strikes Gold in Alaska!
June 2013
Alaska Gold Dredging 2013
January 2013
2011 Australia Gold Adventure
Ganes Creek with F75 and GPX 5000
June 2011
Alaska Gold with Minelab GPX 5000
September 2010
Detecting Micro Gold at Crow Creek
September 13, 2009
Minelab X-Terra 50 at Cabo
Spring 2006
Beach Detecting with GP 3500
Fall 2005
White's Surf PI & Platinum in Hawaii
December 18, 2004
Coin Detecting with Garrett Infinium
Garrett Axiom in Alaska
August 2022
Steve’s 2019 UK Adventure
September 2019
The Chisana Story
1973 - 2018
XP Deus 74 Khz Elliptical Coil
July 22, 2017
Gold With Minelab Gold Monster
May 7, 2017
Nevada Gold With GPZ 7000
June 29, 2015
Minelab GPZ 7000 Eureka Moment
March 11, 2015
Nokta Scores Gold Specimen
Fall 2014
Sore Feet And Gold
September 3, 2014
Steve's 2014 Alaska Gold Adventure
Steve's 2013 Alaska Gold Adventure
Gold and Silver with the Garrett ATX
November 2013
Making Lemonade Out of Lemons
May 2013
Last Visit to Ganes Creek
June 2012
Fisher F75 & Gold Nuggets
June 2011
Ancient Coins at Colchester, UK
October 1, 2010
Moore Creek Gold Treated with Acid
May 2010
White's TDI at Moore Creek, Alaska
Summer 2008
White's M6 & Surf PI Pro in Hawaii
December 20, 2005
Bulldozer Adventure (Moore Creek)
Fall 2004 & Spring 2005
George's Moore Creek Nugget
July 2004
Moore Creek Permits & Gold
June 2004
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Garrett Infinium at Moore Creek
Fall 2003
Moore Creek, Alaska
June 28, 2003
GP Extreme in the Fortymile
May 23, 2003
Shadow X5 at Crow Creek
September 18, 2002
Detector Reps at Ganes Creek
June 17, 2002
First Gold with White's GMT
May 11, 2002
Minelab SD2200D at Fortymile
August 18, 2001
Exploring Petersville, Alaska
August 5, 2001
Gold Layers at Crow Creek
June 15, 2001
Fall Mining at Mills Creek
September 16, 2000
Where Gold Comes From
August 13, 2000
GPAA Claims at Mills Creek
June 24, 2000
Spring Gold Dredging at Crow Creek
May 2000
Sniping for Gold at Mills Creek
October 24, 1999
4" Subsurface Dredge at Crow Creek
October 9, 1999
Gold Dredging at Mills Creek
October 2, 1999
5" Subsurface Dredge at Mills Creek
August 21, 1999
Mills Creek Cooperative
July 17, 1999
About Subsurface Gold Dredges
June 24, 1999
Tesoro Lobo at Crow Creek
May 23, 1999
Origin of Gold at Crow Creek
May 8, 1999
Canyon Dredging at Crow Creek
April 24, 1999
Winter Dredging at Crow Creek
Fall 1996
Minelab GP 3000 at Moore Creek
August 7, 2003
GP 3000 & MXT Get Fortymile Gold
June 6, 2003
Garrett Infinium in Hawaii
February 18, 2003
Infinium & MXT at Ganes Creek
August 29, 2002
Memorial Day at Ganes Creek
May 25, 2002
30 Years with White's Detectors
Lode Gold at Hatcher Pass
August 12, 2001
Detecting Gold at Ganes Creek
June 22, 2001
Crow Creek Nugget Rescue
November 4, 2000
Detecting Gold in the Fortymile
September 1, 2000
Detecting Gold at Chisana
July 21, 2000
Minelab SD2200D at Crow Creek
June 10, 2000
Gold in Hawaii
Winter 1999
Sluicing Gold at Crow Creek
October 17, 1999
Metal Detecting at Mills Creek
October 5, 1999
Gold Mining at Mills Creek
September 5, 1999
4" Subsurface Dredge at Mills Creek
August 15, 1999
Old Stream Layers at Crow Creek
July 10, 1999
Detecting Small Gold at Crow Creek
May 30, 1999
Flooded Out! of Crow Creek
Goldmaster & SD2200D Detectors
May 15, 1999
What's Placer Gold Worth?
May 1, 1999
First Nugget with a Metal Detector
1973 - 1989